The Power Sloths are committed to delivering a competitor-centered production and experience, but don’t take out word for it, check out some of the reviews our past competitors have given us.
Incredible atmosphere. The lighting, music, backdrop made it feel like a big time meet.
The judging was spot on. They were strict but weren’t stupid about it.
The lead-up. You got a lot of support leading into the meet, making it feel much more important than any other unsanctioned “backyard” meet. Between the money that was given out and the quality lifters that competed, this felt like a big time meet.
I can’t thank you guys enough for putting on the biggest powerlifting meet in Arizona. It was an amazing time and I had so much fucking fun.
— Matthew G.
“Looking through a completely objective lens, this was the best meet I have ever been a part of.
The flights were smooth, efficient, communication was everywhere. There was never any confusion or mixups, no misloads, everything from a competitor POV was ideal and as anyone would want it.”
— Brandon L.
“The venue and environment of the meet was great. More space than most meets I've been to for sure. Having multiple vendors there too was awesome. The announcer did incredible as well.”
— Jaycie D.
“Meet moved well, excellent execution very fun and energetic. Really enjoyed having an announcer this time I think this really helped the crowd understand what was going on.”
— Jeremy P.
“I have no complaints at all. Meet was run well on all facets. 10 out of 10 I'd love to do it again. Sully for president.”
— Daniel J.
“I thought everything went really well! Was impressed with how fast the loaders were and how quickly the meet went.”
— Chance P.
I’m new to the lifting competition world but talking to guys and my own experience power sloths puts on the best comps. I’ve done things I never thought I’d be able to do and with the support of my “opponents” who I’m now friends with. You guys create a healthy competitive and most importantly fun environment! Can’t wait to see if I can do every power sloth competition next year!
— Dalton F.
“You guys are fucking awesome and I wouldn't ask for any changes. Thank you!”
— Jarryd T.