What’s this all about anyways?

Listed below is some sort of imaginary interview to explain what’s REALLY goin’ on.

Q: What the hell are the Power Sloths?

A: The Power Sloths are a group of people that realize that life ain’t so serious, and no matter what you’re into, you owe it to yourself to attack your dreams and passions with everything you have, to live the very fullest life possible. Conventional wisdom would have us create some sort of mission statement, and although convention isn’t really our thing, we went ahead and did just that.

Mission Statement

The Power Sloths are a community-based organization, which empowers individuals to be whatever they want, and do whatever they want with their life… slowly. Like sloths.

Q: I don’t get it, your logo has a barbell, isn’t this a lifting club?

A: That’s simply because that’s what WE fell in love with, but that’s not what this is all about. As a matter of fact, that’s not how any of this really started.

Q: So how DID it start?

A: Four score and seven year ago (actually, it was August 2014), a group of Arizona State University Downtown Phoenix dormitory (Taylor Place) residents started their Fall semester, and amidst other activities, created an intramural flag football team, dubbed the Power Sloths (the creation of the name answered in a later question).

We were absolutely terrible. There was a 5 and a 0 in our record, and I won’t say which number went where. After our short-lived season was over, a group of us realized we shared a passion in lifting weights, so we started training together at night after classes and on the weekends. One thing lead to another, and we competed in our first powerlifting meet at the end of the semester.

Fast forward five and a half years, we’ve had many people join and leave our group, compete in numerous powerlifting and strongman competitions together, built a sick garage gym, and ultimately built a brand that I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of.

Q: You guys have been around for 6 years and I’ve never heard of you?

A: I never planned on it being this way. I certainly NEVER planned on becoming a business. I’ve always considered us a small group of friends who love training and support one another. By September 2019, only 8 of us had shirts, at which time I decided to have some stickers made for other people. Well, people loved the stickers. During a conversation I had with a local Flagstaff business owner (thanks Jesse) while delivering some stickers, he put me on game (he referred me to another business which had printed shirts for him). After reaching out, it was between having 36 or 100 shirts made. 100 shirts sounded absolutely ridiculous, I thought there’s no way we need that many, so I opted for the 36 as I figured some friends and family might want one. Well, ever since we announced we’re selling apparel, we’ve never looked back. As it stands, we’ve sold over 215 articles of clothing, offering an assortment of t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, socks, beanies, and more.

Q: So why sloths?

A: Cause they’re RAD. Next question.

Q: What’s next?

A: I haven’t the slightest clue. I’m beyond blessed to be a part of such an incredible opportunity. Had it not been for the Power Sloths, I would never have achieved many of the things I have, or met a fraction of the incredible people I now consider genuine friends. Maybe we open a training studio outside of our garage? Maybe we all compete in a National Championship together? Or maybe we just all sit around, eat bread and desserts, and get all fat and sassy. Whatever it is, we’re here to have a good time, like sloths do… slowly.

The original Taylor Place Sloths.

The original Taylor Place Sloths.

No, we don’t have any picture of us playing flag football, we were too busy… sucking. At least we looked fly doing it.

No, we don’t have any picture of us playing flag football, we were too busy… sucking. At least we looked fly doing it.

Sully’s first meet, possibly pre-puberty? We’re not sure.

Sully’s first meet, possibly pre-puberty? We’re not sure.

The Power Sloths of today.

The Power Sloths of today.
